James Little
Senior Pastor
Bro. Little spent most of his young life in Charleston, MS, attending the Adams Arbor Church of God of Prophecy in his youth. He received the call to preach when he was 16 years old during church summer camp. Later, he met his wife, Sis. Brenda Little (Bruce), at the same church summer camp. On September 15, 1990, they were married. On June 13, 1991, their son, Andrew, was born.
He began answering the call to ministry by working in church summer camps with young people and evangelizing. In 2009, God transitioned Pastor and his family into the Church of God, where he and his family attended the Tupelo Church of God. Since that time, he has served in roles such as Youth Sunday School teacher and Wednesday night speaker at the Tupelo Church of God and later Youth Leader and Associate Pastor in the Thorn Church of God. In 2013, he became the Senior Pastor of the Ackerman Church of God in Ackerman, MS., until most recently, when God transitioned him to Senior Pastor of Faith Family Church of God here in Pearl, MS.
Pastor became an Exhorter in the Church of God in May 2011, a Licensed Ordained Minister in February 2013 and became an Ordained Bishop in the Church of God in February 2015.
Pastor and his family have a love for all people and believe that everyone has value. They believe that God has a plan for everyone, despite their past, and that Jesus is the answer for anything people may face. He, his family and the Faith Family Church of God invite you to come and experience the love and presence of God and allow Jesus Christ to transform your life.